Why do I need a home stager to help before selling my home?

We all become familiar with our own environment and take for granted many of the best features of our properties as well as gaining ‘stuff’ and possibly out growing the home during the time we live there. As we are all busy people and often neglect areas of our house that may need attention when we are presenting it to look its best and attract buyers.

We provide a fresh approach to presenting your property, focusing on the key areas that are important to buyers. We have a vast experience of staging properties in Kent and Sussex, properties reaching ceiling prices in streets, buyers entering sealed bids and properties previously on the market for months selling in a few weeks after staging.

What will the cost be?

We can tailor our service to suit your needs and budget . We can offer a detailed report with images to guide you through staging your own property through to a complete staging service to include de cluttering, furniture installation, staging and styling and rental of all furniture and accessories. Prices are quoted on request depending on  property size and stock required to complete the staging.  

However if you are on a limited budget we can offer  a ‘walk and talk’ home visit where we advise how to stage key areas of your property, furniture layouts, accessorising and de cluttering. Prices start @ £200.00 This service is also available remotely if photos are provided.

Why would I want to invest on a property I want to move out of?

This is a very common question and understandably so.

Statistics state [Homestaging Association] that a property that has been professionally staged sells in half the time of that of an unstaged property and can sell for up to 10% more than the original valuation.

When a property is launched on the market there is often an immediate interest and a lot of viewings so it is imperative that you present your property well in this period, if staged  it may well have a higher valuation than a similar property in your area or be a more attractive proposition!

If a property is on the market for several weeks with little interest  the agent may suggest dropping the price. Home staging costs would most likely be far less than your first price reduction so well worth the initial investment.  

My property is in good condition but I have moved out so is it worth staging?

Empty properties are difficult to sell unless they are a ‘project ‘which is reflected in the price.

Staging creates a lifestyle that buyers can understand and want. Even  brand new developments come to life when furnished and staged. Many prospective buyers love a show home, it creates a lifestyle.  

If you are presenting your property empty it can be difficult for buyers to visualise. Large open plan living spaces are very attractive but can be daunting  unless they have been zoned and furnished. Bedrooms can appear smaller when not unfunrished.

I feel overwhelmed at the stuff I have collected in my home and don’t know where to start, how can you help?

Sometimes moving is very traumatic, people move for many different reasons and not always on a positive note. We are used to working with all types of clients and we understand how difficult and emotional it can be, especially after a very long time in a property.  We work closely and empathetically with you to help you through the move. We are able to assist with decluttering and advise on how you store things you may  want to keep but need to give space in the property and how we can clear areas to create a more open and clean space to present to the market.

It can feel quite cathartic to get rid of unwanted ‘stuff’ and makes your move easier in the long run. We have worked for clients who have fallen in love with their homes again after years of accumulating ‘stuff’, remembering the features and spaces they loved when they decided to buy their home.
